Non-operative management

No matter what treatment is studied — even doing nothing — 93 out of every 100 patients get better within 6 to 12 months of starting the study.1 OEE does not accumulate with age (like arthritis), so it is safe to assume that it will go away on its own and leave no lasting damage.

Activity level: continuing your regular daily activities might be painful, but it is not harmful. Doing painful things will not delay your recovery. You are free to choose the activity and comfort level that suits you. You should not limit activities you enjoy.

Exercises: simple stretching and strengthening exercises might help you feel better as you wait for OEE to resolve. These exercises are easy to do on your own once you understand them.

Ice or heat: some people like to use cold or hot packs on the sore area on outside of their elbow. Try out what works for you.
Splinting: You might feel less pain if you wear a splint that holds your wrist straight. You could also try a strap around your forearm (sometimes called a “tennis elbow strap”).2 You do not wear a splint to protect your elbow—protection is unnecessary. A splint will not make the OEE go away faster. Splints are optional and for comfort only.

Medication: Acetaminophen or NSAIDs (medications such as aspirin, ibuprofen or naproxen) might help alleviate pain. There are also creams or salves that might help. Unfortunately, these will not help you recover faster.

Side effects: 1 person out of every 100 people using a gel gets a rash.

Population: 1%

20 out of every 100 people get a stomach ache if they take an aspirin-type pill for a longer time.

Population: 20%