

Improving quality of care: 
PatientPlus was founded by physicians who believe in the power of shared decision making. As a team we have a clear mission: improve quality of care by putting shared decision making into practice. Decision aids enable health professionals to implement shared decision making effectively. Daily we witness the successful development and usage of decision aids. Our aim is to make shared decision making through decision aids the new standard of care. Founders Teun Teunis and Michiel Hageman studied the impact of shared decision making during their time at the Harvard Medical School. There they observed that patients were much better informed to make a medical decision if they used a decision aid. Because of these finding they founded the PatientPlus foundation. The PatientPlus decision aids have become the most widely used decision aids in the Netherlands.

The PatientPlus foundation
PatientPlus develops decision aids for common medical diagnoses. Our decisions aids are available at our platform PatientPlus adapts, integrates and optimizes decisions aids based on the needs of each individual health care facility. 

Decision aids
The decision aids enable physicians and patients to decide on optimal treatment together. Through the decision aid the patient gains a clear overview of the pro’s and cons of the different treatment options. Together the patient and doctor choose the best treatment.

Results of shared decision making
Research shows that shared decision making by patients and physicians together results in a positive effect. The patient acquires a better understanding of the diagnosis, the different treatment options and their values. This allows the doctor a more effective patient consultation.

PATIENT + decision aids are developed with great care. The decision aids are based on the International Patient Decision Aid Standard (IPDAS). By consulting specialists and patients the need for information and support is defined for each subject. Treatment guidelines and the most recent medical publications are the fundamentals of each decision aid. PatientPlus decision aids carry the label “Colloquial Language” (from the Foundation of Easy Reading) and are tested in practice by specialists and patients.

Would you like to use the decision aid in your practice? We support the process from implementation to structural usage and evaluation. Together we determine the best moment to offer patients a decision aid in your clinic. We help the people involved to work with them; and we measure the success of shared decision making in your practice. We stay involved, to ensure that shared decision making becomes and remains a successful element of your daily practice.

Develop a decision aid yourself?
Are you a physician assistant, medical specialist, researcher, paramedic or a patient association and would you like to develop a new decision aid together with PatientPlus? Do not hesitate to contact us.

Any questions or comments about this website or program please contact:

PatientPlus Foundation

Zeestraat 76, 2518 AD, The Hague
The Netherlands

T.  +3185 0188738