Cortisone injection

Injection of cortisone is intended to reduce the thickening and relieve the pain. We’re not sure the pain goes away quicker with a shot than without one. Shots can cause skin discoloration. The worst thing about a shot is disappointment when it doesn’t get rid of the problem, which is common.

After a cortisone injection, 82 of 100 people felt better after 6 weeks. The improvements at 6 weeks could be due to the placebo effect, but we don’t have enough data to be sure.

Population: 82%

85 of 100 people are pain-free at 12 months with one, two or three injections.3,4 At one year people who had shots may be doing worse than those who don’t, but we don’t have enough data to be sure.

Population: 85%

People who have a cortisone injection have a higher chance of having surgery later on.

The placebo is when a person feels better even when there is nothing useful in the medicine. Our minds create the medicine. The placebo effect is very strong.