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  Monitor Injection Needle release Surgery
What does it mean?

If you have lumps or a small bend, there is a good chance that things will not get worse.

A protein is injected into the cord to dissolve it. A day or so later the finger is straightened and the cord is broken.

A needle is used to cut, weaken, and break the cord. The cord and diseased tissue is removed through an open surgical procedure.
How long till I’m using my hand like normal? - Less than a week. Less than a week. About 1 to 2 months.

Nothing you do will make things worse or better.

73 out of 100 people are satisfied with the treatment.

81 out of 100 people are satisfied with the treatment.

84 out of 100 people are satisfied after treatment.


34 out of 100 people develop a bent finger again after 3 years.

43 out of 100 people will develop a bent finger again after 3 years.

21 out of 100 people will develop a bent finger again after 5 years.

Disadvantages There is no harm in delaying treatment. 42 out of 100 people develop a minor problem such as pain or swelling that will go away by itself. 4 out of 100 people develop a minor complication transient pain or swelling, or a small skin tear that will heal by itself.

24 out of 100 people develop a minor complication like temporary numbness.

9 out of 100 people develop a major complication like permanent numbness of the finger.