Management of symptoms

Pain can be alleviated with ice and acetaminophen or aspirin type medications (e.g. ibuprofen or naproxen). The pain in your elbow gradually decreases over a few weeks to months as the bruise goes away. After a while you’ll be able to fully bend and turn your elbow again. Elbow bending strength will return close to normal. On average people recover most of the strength turning the palm up (60%).1,2

- Near normal elbow bending strength.
- An average of about 40% less strength when turning your palm up. You might notice this when using a screwdriver.

- Avoid the risks, discomforts, and inconveniences of surgery;
- No scar;
- No downtime. You can resume your usual activities immediately.

- Less strength when turning your palm upward;
- The front of the elbow will look a little different;
- A small possibility of a little ache and fatigue with heavy arm use. It’s not clear if surgery avoids or limits this.